MISSION AND LIMITS: The coach knows how to recognize the limits of his / her skills, only accepts the missions for which he / she is competent. He / she refers the client, the family, to another coach, psychotherapist or psycho-practitioner or even another health professional, if it turns out that the request or the problem of the person or the family exceeds the framework of knowledge or current skills, as well as when there is a risk of role conflict.

OBJECTIVES: The empathetic approach coach accompanies his / her clients (parents, families) towards the resolution of the problems for which he / they consult. He / she offers a contract stipulating the work objectives, makes sure to meet the request of the parent (s), while taking into account the needs and capacities of the child (s). He / she helps consolidate or restore attachment and lead the whole family towards independence. He / she conducts regular assessments of the achievement of goals with families.

FRAMEWORK: From the first session, the empathetic coach specifies the working conditions (including the conditions for cancellation or termination), the financial conditions, professional secrecy. The coach establishes a rule of physical and moral non-violence on people and goods.

COMMITMENT: The coach undertakes to maintain his level of qualification and update his knowledge, by participating in meetings, meetings and congresses, so as to be kept informed of the most recent scientific discoveries and knowing how to answer new questions that arise for parents or professionals and knowing how to support them in their problems thanks to the latest and most efficient tools. Parent coaches are committed to regular supervision.

SUPERVISION: The empathetic approach coach agrees to be supervised regularly. The sessions filmed or recorded in audio are for the purpose of supervision and improvement. The recordings are protected by professional secrecy. They can only be viewed, auditioned, by the practitioner himself, his supervisor (s) and the supervision or co-viewing group.

PROFESSIONAL SECRECY: The empathetic approach coach respects professional secrecy regarding all personal matters entrusted to him in the exercise of his profession. This professional secrecy is extended to supervisors and peers engaged in regular joint vision work, these professionals also being bound by professional secrecy. He / she refrains from divulging the identity of the parents who come to consult him / her. Breaking the anonymity of the latter in order to promote oneself by evoking famous participants can be likened to using the participant for his emotional and social benefit.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The empathetic coach respects the client, their values ​​and integrity as well as the needs and capacities of the children. He / she is responsible for the relationship he / she establishes with each member of the family. This relationship is abused when the coach fails in his / her duty and responsibility towards his client (the family) to satisfy his personal interest (on the sexual, emotional, social or economic level). He / she does not enter into a friendly relationship either.

ATTITUDE OF RESERVE: The coach in an empathetic approach, aware of his or her power, commits to an attitude of reserve. He / she takes care of the direct or indirect consequences of his interventions and, among others, of the use that could be made by third parties. He / she is bound by the duty of discretion with regard to his colleagues. The duty of secrecy means that the professional refrains from any comments on colleagues or other practitioners.

PROFESSIONAL RELATIONS WITH COLLEAGUES: The empathetic approach coach works in cooperation with colleagues and the health professions (psychotherapist, psycho-practitioner, child psychiatrist, general practitioner, osteopath, etc.) or education (teachers, nursery directors, childminders…) in the interest of its clients. He / she shows solidarity with his colleagues and cooperates with them.

BREACHES: Any form of abuse constitutes a violation of the specific ethical directives concerning the profession. Given the specific conditions of trust and dependence that characterize the empathetic listening and support relationship, full responsibility for abuse lies with the empathic coach. Any irresponsible act within the framework of the relationship of trust and dependence created by the listening relationship constitutes a serious professional misconduct.